Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Spring is in the air :)

This was a quick cookie montage I texted to my friend Kristin (aka Chicken) on her birthday. Sadly I did NOT make these cookies, (I'm still on the basic glazing for now), but hopefully someday soon I'll be turning out tasty treats that look this good :)

Monday, March 16, 2009

Commercial Baking Achievements!

So I'm calming down now, but my first orders for Kate's Frosting and Lily's Cookies had me bouncing (gently) with pride for weeks! Here are some modest pictures of those orders:

For Kate's, I frosted and decorated this assortment for a special order: (from left) strawberry, Pot of Gold (caramel melted in the middle of chocolate cake), Vanilla on chocolate cake, Ruby Slipper (cream cheese frosting on red velvet cake), and Chocolate frosting on vanilla cake- tada!

Then at Lily's Cookies, where they create these fabulous cookies,

I'm officially in charge of baking the treats for the coffee shop next door. Usually that entails quick breads and regular cookies, but lately I've been trying out different bundt recipes- this chocolate one was my first, lemon (not figured) is my most recent, but this first one of my favorite :)

Gotta love that hat, I was so proud and happy! :)

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Kindred Souls :)

I've discovered lately that there's nothing quite as satisfying and reinforcing as talking to fellow culinary obsessed people. Sure, other friends and family all listen politely as I gush over the latest baking wonder I've learned about or do their best not to yawn as I describe in detail what I baked that day, (oh brave friends, you know who you are ;), but it takes another baker/ chef-at-heart to spark up an answering fanatical gleam. Instead of listening politely, they too get all worked up and starry-eyed over the wonders of fondant, and share kitchen foibles and triumphs. After such an exchange, I feel reenergized and excited to head back to the bakery kitchen, happy in the discovery that there are others like me finding joy in baking and cooking, despite the mildly puzzled looks being thrown their way by friends and family alike :)

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Eureka!!! :)

(post from Feb 18, 2009)
After a full day (not the most patient person ever) of brainstorming bakery names and rejecting most of them as too cutesy, I've hit upon the perfect one! It has a good sound, would lend itself well to a nice iconic sign and logo, and also has a sentimental attachment as well. Before I unveil this great name, (which you are not allowed to borrow and/ sell to anyone else, or I will find you!), let me tell you the rejects so you too can marvel / cringe at what might have been: (you can steal these, have at it ;)

Berry Basket Bakery- Pies & Pastries (I like alliteration ;)

The SnowGlobe (I'd just finished watching Coraline, where snow globes play an important role)

The Cookie Jar (this was my fav so far, although it wasn't sweet enough yet for me...)

Serena's Kitchen (yeah, wanted to create that homey countrified feel, but it also made me envision hot and sweltery kitchens and stoves.)

Sugar & Spice Bakery (not bad, kinda overdone)

Sweet Nothings (sounds more like a lingerie store- maybe you get a free nightie with every order? ;)

Sweet & Sassy Bakery (ehhh, too much like sugar and spice, just Sassy would have been enough)

AND FINALLY, the eureka moment that hit me as I was driving home from the gym and gong past some of San Antonio's regal but crumbling old manor houses:

The Orange Blossom Bakery (& Cafe, in the future)

isn't it perfect?! alright, maybe you don't see it, but I think it sounds perfect- warm and fuzzy, sweet and simple (maybe I"m getting too into the adjectives here), and plus it reminds me of my roots- our big orange VW camper van was named, guess what?, Orange Blossom. :)

So there you have it, folks, the name of my future bakery :) Now it may be off in the way distant future that this finally comes to fruition, after I've gotten some bakery experience to make sure this is what I definitely want to be doing, plus maybe some culinary schooling, not to mention raising a substantial amount of money to start my own business, but still, there's one part that's finished. :) Now who wants a cookie? ;)

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

First New Post! :)

Wow, I can't believe that I have 2 blogs! I feel so technologically advanced! well, kinda ;)

SO I started this new blog to focus mainly on my baking journey, as I learn new tips, techniques, and basically just explore the culinary world. I'm just starting out, trying to determine if this is what I want to do "for the rest of my life!!!", or if it's just a passing fancy. So with that said, this is what I'm into right now;

~Fondant! I think I could easily make a whole long posting about this miraculous confectionary marvel, but suffice it to say that I'm especially impressed with the versatility of fondant. It can make cakes beautiful and posh looking, add a new dimension, or even be crafted into cunning little embellishments and figures! I can't wait to try this!

~Amazing Wedding Cakes,, the show hosted by WE tv, is seriously inspiring for all of it's rocking girl-owned bakeries and the absolutely gorgeous cakes they come up with. I would sell a finger or toe to be able any of these featured bakeries, and hopefully suck up some of their talent in the process!

~Cutesy Cupcakes. So I know they're all the rage now but will probably fade out soon, but I can't help loving the sweet simpleness of these little treats. Ranging from mild to decadent, I wouldn't feel as bad actually eating one of these little creations as I would their older siblings, the elaborate pricey wedding cake! Cupcakes are portion controlled and bring back nostalgic childhood parties, with a new sassy edge.

~Cake Wrecks! The greatest blog ever!, found at, this blog with it's terrible cakes on display for the (internet) world to mock cheers me up every time! I end up spending time reading back blogs, chuckling with the endearing author, and enjoying the gaiety of mocking these horrible cakes! It's updated with new monstrosities almost daily, satisfying my craving for daily and practically harmless glee. ;)